Intriguing Paradox

Welcome to Independence First UMC!

Recent article in The Atlantic has unveiled an intriguing paradox. While millions of Americans quit going to church, they never stopped searching for the source of happiness and longevity, missing the profound benefits of belonging to a community.
It’s easy to assume that doctrinal disagreements or feelings of non-acceptance might be the cause. However, the research paints a different picture, the author says. As society accelerates into the digital age, many of us are inadvertently drifting into isolation.
“The essence of community, mutual support, and the joys of volunteering are slipping through the cracks of our fast-paced lives.”
I don’t believe we have a loneliness epidemic. The problem is social disconnection. The church deserves another chance in the 21st Century because it teaches how to restore and heal those connections through Christ. Church means stable families, better health, longer lives, and mental health.

Our Free Breakfast ministry stands testament to the transformative power of community and service. This endeavor, though demanding, is a living embodiment of Christian selflessness and compassion. Every month, our team pours heart and soul into this service, reaping joy, energy, and a sense of fulfillment. Observing our volunteers, I see Christ in an apron, omnipresent, cooking, greeting, and even washing dishes. It’s a profound reminder that the spirit of Christ dwells within those who empathize with and alleviate the pain of others.
Church is not just about attending worship on Sundays; it’s about understanding the strength and love that comes from togetherness. I invite each one of you to join us, to experience this joy and to rejuvenate the spirit of community during this weekend at the SantaCaliGon festival and in our worship.
Let’s find Christ together, in every gesture, every service, every song, and every shared moment of our community life.

In Christ,
Pastor Lydia